THE XKEC Members-Only chat Forum
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Created way back in 2004 our XKEC members-only forum today contains a wealth of useful information which has helped it become an "XK Bible" to all those who use it. With a nice mixture of both fun and more serious technical matters constantly being discussed by its members it is a great way of seeking answers to any problems you may have or making many new friends who share your XK passion.
With its sleak portal page, superb design layout and user-friendly functionality there are currently over 350,000 messages posted on the forum with over 38,000 topics being discussed.
The success of any good forum we feel is to not just be able to to post a question quickly and easily but to have immediate responses to those questions so you can deal with a matter accordingly. Well our forum does just that. We have many experienced advisors/members on hand who will be able to not just answer any queries you may have but to point you in the right direction if they don't know.
So if you do have a problem you can't solve, simply ask the forum. We believe there is no such thing as a silly question so please ask away.
If you are a fully paid up member of our club then all you need to do is register on the main forum homepage and once accredited your account will be made active by the Club Chairman within 48 hours, allowing you full privileges.
So go on, just click on the image opposite to access or register accordingly, you certainly won't be sorry!